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Implications of organizational conflict

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How can conflict cost an organization? Money is one arena, but what other things can it cost?

An employee is claiming she is being treated differently because of her gender and her ethnicity. She claims her boss won't advance her because he doesn't like Latvian women. She is preparing to hire a lawyer and sue the company.

As the Human Resource manager, would you suggest ADR to the CEO? (of course you would) What form of ADR would you suggest as the best, and why?

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This solution helps go through the implications of organizational conflict. This solution is 224 words in length and is supplemented by external references.

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Q) How can conflict cost an organization? Money is one arena, but what other things can it cost?

You should first define organizational conflict - "Conflict is defined as a difference of wants, needs, or expectations".

Workplace conflict can be very destructive to an organization and their employees. Conflict can cost an organization in the following areas: "Stress, ...

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