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Conflict management model & Standard Agenda

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I have to answer the questions below in 250 words each. I have been reading the attached chapters and don't fully understand these questions:

1) Is the A-E-I-O-U conflict management model an effective approach? Why or why not?

2) Explain the basic steps of the Standard Agenda? How does this differ from the Functional Theory Approach?

Be sure to reference text readings to support your reasoning.

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Based on the readings, this solution evaluates the effectiveness of the the A-E-I-O-U conflict management model. It also explains the basic steps of the Standard Agenda and how it differs from the Functional Theory Approach.

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1) Is the A-E-I-O-U conflict management model an effective approach? Why or why not?

The A-E-I-O-U conflict management model seems to be an effective approach. For example, it is useful because it helps you to fully understand it members and concerns, which is essential the in order to resolve a conflict and to find effective solutions. For example, this model helps to clearly communicate concerns to members, as well as suggest alternative solutions by assuming the other means well (A). This should be announced as the person begins facilitating the problem-solving process of communication, which is sets the stage for collaboration. This model also helps to clearly communicate concerns to members through expressing feelings or concerns about the situation (E). The next step is identifying the outcome you would like to have happen (I). If you're mediating, this is where "you would invite each disputant to take a few minutes to clarify their specific worries and problems." (http://www.gladieuxconsulting.com/article_4.htm).This is useful as this is where compromise may occur naturally, or you "may find that all that was needed was a good dose of active listening to clarify misunderstandings." (http://www.gladieuxconsulting.com/article_4.htm).

The next step is useful as it makes clear the ...

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