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Change Management

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Describe what a system needs to do to reduce barriers to change, to create measures that will accurately measure progress, to empower employees, and to change the skills, behavior, and culture to support the desired change.

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This solution described what a system needs to do to reduce barriers to change, to create measures that will accurately measure a progress, to empower employees, and to change the skills, behavior, and culture to support the desired change.

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A system has to consider a number of things when reducing barriers to change, to create measures that will accurately measure progress, to empower employees, and to change the skills, behavior, and culture to support the desired change. First, some level of self-interest is involved in the circumstance. All they care about are themselves rather than the organization. When people within the business stop thinking about themselves and choose humility, they are able to inspire others to do their job with excellence. Two, misunderstandings do occur, and this happens through communication issues as well as inadequate information. For example, a company says that everyone needs to communicate through email, but instead they choose to talk in person because that is what they have done all these years. In essence, management will notice and become disgruntled in the process, so it is ...

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