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RFID Technology and Product Placement

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RFID Technology
What are some examples of how RFID technology is being used today? Do you think it is effective?

Product Placement
What are some other product placement questions we as marketers should consider? Please provide the product, your placement question and how you would respond.

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The expert discusses examples of how RFID technology is being used today and product placement questions that marketers need to consider.

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Some examples of RFID technology include use in production lines to track the progress of product being manufactured through an assembly line, in warehouses to track inventory, tracking pets and livestock, access management, etc. Yes, RFID has been very effective and its usage is increasing due to reliable performance and declining cost of RFID equipment and tags.

Some ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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