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Market Potential and Brand Integrity

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1. Identify the strategic and tactical aspects of Levi's positioning exercise.
2. How risky is limiting a product's market potential for the sake of maintaining brand integrity?
3. The Levi product has not really changed since the Gold Rush days. How do you account for the phenomenal transformation to become an American icon and 'coveted symbol of the casual, unpretentious American lifestyle'?

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The market potential and brand integrity are given. The risk in limiting a product's market potential for the sake of maintaining brand integrity are given.

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1. Identify the strategic and tactical aspects of Levi's positioning exercise.

It has placed itself in key locations (both in the right stores) and in the right location in the stores. They have become the largest and best known maker of jeans in the USA and the world because of this. It has branched out into jackets, Dockers, cords, shirts and different colored and styled jeans.

2. How risky is limiting a product's market potential for the sake of ...

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