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On Community Policing

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How does community policing facilitate the accomplishment of contemporary law enforcement objectives?

What might be the negative features of community policing in terms of controlling crime? Is community policing soft on crime? Why do
you think so?

Does community policing as a new philosophy necessitate any changes in the recruitment of police officers? What kind of changes might these be? Does the citizenship requirement for police officers need to be reviewed based upon the increasing rate of immigrants in urban areas and the changing threats to domestic security? Why?

How do you see the relationship between technology and policing? How has this relationship been evolving since the emergence of the community policing philosophy?

Since 9/11, all changes in law enforcement need to be perceived in regard to terrorism and homeland security. What are the benefits of community policing in regard to homeland security initiatives? How can new community policing principles be implemented to assist in homeland security and counterterrorism initiatives?
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The solution provides information, assistance and advise in tackling the task (see above) on the topic of community policing in the form of a Q&A guide. Resources are listed for further exploration of the topic.

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Community Policing Q&A

Q: How does community policing facilitate the accomplishment of contemporary law enforcement objectives?
A: According to DiscoverPolicing.org (2015), "under the community policing model...officers are empowered to identify and solve problems proactively." When police officers take on community policing duties, they learn new skill sets that connect them directly to the varied members of the community so that they get to know gatekeepers, key individuals and groups in relation to criminality and peace and order. With cooperation between law enforcement and the people they serve, objectives are met far more comprehensively as policing becomes relevant to the needs of the community.

Q: What might be the negative features of community policing in terms of controlling crime? Is community policing soft on crime? Why do you think so?
A: I think that the biggest challenge in community policing, outside of gaining community trust (and is directly related to it) is the question of ethics. According to Nelligan & Taylor (1994), "Reduction of the political and social isolation of the police may increase the risk of corruption and favouritism and greater autonomy and discretion for police officers increases the risk of police officers being beyond the effective control of their departments." Loss of impartiality, rise of favouritism and favor impacts ethics and can give further rise to issues in relation to corruption and abuse of power.

Q: Does community policing as a new philosophy necessitate any changes in the recruitment ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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