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Quantitative or Qualitative Research?

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The question: "What is at the heart of the debate regarding the two paradigms: the use of quantitative or qualitative research. Which side of the debate do you stand on? Support your position."

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A discussion inspired by what I consider the false dilemma that is created over qualitative research and quantitative research when there's an underlying relationship between the two that can be appreciated and used to support the view that they are not mutually exclusive and should not always be treated as opposing paradigms, but rather, complimentary concepts.

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Indeed there has been a paradigm conflict between qualitative and quantitative research methods.

While the debate is highly contentious, it seems to have spurred a false dichotomy between two modes of research when they are both vital in their respective regards and complementary of each other (Mertens, 2004).

Quantitative psychology approach relies heavily on fleshing out a very solid, structurally patterned, mathematical method towards collecting and analysing data. It is ideally suited for large population scenarios and for forming ideas that can be easily generalised on to ...

Solution provided by:
  • MA, London Metropolitian University
  • BSc, London Metropolitan University & University of Derby
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  • "Hi Leela, I open the file you send to me, some of the arrows do not even connect where it is suppose to be. Yes on the decision is not aligned. If I delete the Yes, it delete every thing on right side. Some of the content in boxes cannot see letters."
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  • "Thank you for your explanation. I'm a little lost with how to format my essay. I'm not sure what should be in a comparative essay's paragraph or the order of the paragraph. I am required to use quotes in my essay and I don't know which ones fit really well with my topic. The translation helps me understand but I'm having trouble identfying important quotes that fit. Also, my instructor just advised that we are required to asses a secondary source about my topic and agree or disagree with it and use it to show understanding of the argument. Can you recommed any sources that would fit well with my topic please? Thank you so much for your help!"
  • "WOW Thank yoi!"
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