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Human development theory

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I am just learning indepth information about evolution and need guidance on how to think about the evolutionary theory of the development of the human species.

According to the theory of evolution, what are four characteristics that enabled mature humans to become the dominant species? If most mutations are â??deleterious,â? or harmful, can the rare beneficial traits found in humans be explained according to this theory?

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This solution provides a brief essay with references on human development theory.

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Question about evolution theory and Human species
I am just learning indepth information about evolution and need guidance on how to think about the evolutionary theory of the development of the human species.

According to the theory of evolution, what are four characteristics that enabled mature humans to become the dominant species?

The four central fields of evolutional human behavior relate to (1) complex symbolic activities, (2) tool making and tool use, (3) culture and social transmission and (4) sociality and morality. Darwin said we grow and grow
Other developmentalist also list language as - many species have what is called 'language', a way to communicate. They use noises and sounds but as far

1. Complex symbolic activities- human interaction, building ...

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