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Group Communication Video Cases

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I am not understanding these questions below in regard to the attached material. I must write 250 word responses to each clip based on the material presented in attached chapters 3, 5, and 6 of Working in Groups (Engelberg & Wynn, 2007) by answering the following questions:

?In the video, Helping Annie (250 words)
-Discuss the relationship between group member diversity and communication style.
-What diversity existed?
-How did this affect communication styles?
-Was diversity a hindrance?
Come up with two communication methods that could have been used to better facilitate the group.

?In the video, Planning a Playground (250 words)
-Describe verbal and nonverbal interaction among group members.
-What did these interactions communicate?
-Were they helping or hindering the process?
-Come up with two communication methods that could have been used to better facilitate the group.

? In the video, Virtual Miscommunication (250 words)
-Determine listening techniques used by group members.
-Describe the importance of listening in group communication and relate it to the scenario.
-Were the techniques effective? If not, which techniques should have been used to better facilitate the process?

? Be sure to reference text readings to support your reasoning.

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Solution Summary

Related to group communication, this solution discusses three video clips (i.e. Helping Annie, Planning a Playground and Virtual Miscommunication) by addressing the questions.

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I am wondering if you watched the videos yet and read your chapters? If not, this is the place to start so you can add your take on the videos.

Let's take a closer look.


1. In the video, Helping Annie (250 words)
-Discuss the relationship between group member diversity and communication style.
-What diversity existed?
-How did this affect communication styles?
-Was diversity a hindrance?
Come up with two communication methods that could have been used to better facilitate the group

The ability to balance effective speaking with appropriate listening affects every facet of group life: "the main skill required to build an effective work team is keeping your mouth shut and giving your team members the chance to give you their point of view." (Chapter 6)

In this video, the group was made up of three people, and the two professional counselors did not agree to the method of treatment. "Listening is more difficult in groups than it is in almost any other communication situation" (Chapter 6), which presented as a communication problems for one member who lacked the ability to listen. Diversity included multiple speakers, multiple perspectives, and multiple goals, personality, gender and generation differences (Chapter 3, p. 64), which created problems because one professional insisted that one way was the best way to help Anne through medication. See the video and view the person who would not listen to others and wanted all the air time (e.g. kept interrupting and cutting people off, saying he was in a hurry, watching his watch, writing notes, and generally being disruptive to the group - in other words not listening ...

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