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LGBT Teens and School Counselors

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I believe that members of the LGBT community and their feelings are coming further along in the recent years, I know many members and advocates and while there is still a long ways to go, there are many who do feel like they are scrutinized by others so they avoid places or situations that can trigger them into negative emotions.

Do you think that some can feel pressured into career choices that they do not want to do because of the social "norms" even if they are in a career counseling?

Also if you were a parent and your child was in high school, are there any rules or laws that have to be followed by the school counselor if the teenager comes to them for help with coming out to their parents?

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Explains pressures applied to LGBT teens in the context of careers and how a counselor can help a teen come out to his/her parents.

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Do you think that some can feel pressured into career choices that they do not want to do because of the social "norms" even if they are in a career counseling?

On a very fundamental level, many members in the LGBT community do feel as though some pressure is applied directly and/or indirectly by societal norms. For example, a gay man may not feel as welcome on an automobile manufacturing job as he may feel in a creative/graphic artist job. A girl who grew up feeling like a boy but was told by her family and friends 'don't be a tomboy' may find herself in a difficult spot as well when it ...

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