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Comparing and contrasting operant and classical conditioning

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How do classical conditioning procedures differ from operant conditioning procedures? How are they similar? In your opinion, which learning process is more effective? Why?

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This solution is comprised of over 300 words and includes detailed explanantions of operant conditioning and classical conditioning as well as examples and a reference, providing students with a better understanding of the similarites and differences between classical and operant conditioning as it peratins to the field of psychology.

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Operant conditioning is controlling responses that are voluntary, by using consequences that are either negative or positive. The mouse, after going through a maze finds cheese. (Positive) The mouse after going through the maze gets trapped when they try to take the cheese. (Negative)
Classical conditioning is when elicited response are controlled by stimuli. After ringing the bell the cat gets milk, by doing this several times the cat comes running and is rewarded with milk.

They are similar as they both use conditions that require a response. Operant uses the maze and ...

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