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ACA Code of Ethics Scenario Analysis

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How do I response to this example;
Using the ACA Code of Ethics on Assessment and as ab option using the APA Ethical Guidelines for Assessment.
Forester-Miller, H., & Davis, T. E. (2016). Practitioner's guide to ethical decision making (Rev. ed.). Retrieved from

http://www.counseling.org/docs/default-source/ethics/practioner's-guide-to- ethical-decision-making.pdf

Review the following:
Identify each ethical dilemma in the scenario.
Which ACA ethical principle applies.
For ONE of the ethical dilemma's you have applied, ACA Ethical Decision Making Guide outlining where in the dilemma you would start the ethical decision making process, and each of the actions you will take for every step and sub-steps. These actions must be specific (i.e. which one or what criteria do they need to have).
offer either a constructive criticism or an additional point to consider in their decision making-process. I
Kaitlin Smith is a 30-year-old, Caucasian cisgender female who is going to be attending an intake with you prior to starting therapy. Prior to the intake it was unclear who the referral source was, but as you met, she indicated her best friend, one of your long-term therapy clients, highly recommended you. You have worked well with her friend and treatment is nearing termination, so you are grateful for the referral.

As you start the intake process with Ms. Smith, you leave several assessment and screening measures for her to complete in the lobby before her appointment. These include the BDI, SCARED, and MCMI-II. first administer several tests to help you understand Ms. Smith better including the BDI, MCMI-II, and SCARED. Following the administration of the initial screening tools, you start the interview process with a discussion of her rights and a description of the tests she completed, as well as what you will be using them for.

During the interview, Ms. Smith indicated she has been struggling with her memory following a head injury during a car accident a few months ago. You become concerned she might have a neurological concern. You do a quick Google search and find an online copy of a test you had heard a colleague mention, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). You print and administer it to her during the intake. Ms. Smith earns a score of 19. Due to her history of TBI and her score of 19 on the MoCA, you diagnose Mild Cognitive Impairment. Ms. Smith also discusses having difficulty sleeping, often wakes frequently at night, and has occasional nightmares. However, her SCARED score was 22, suggesting she does not experience clinically significant levels of anxiety. Her history suggests a long-standing anxiety disorder, but her SCARED scores were low, so you diagnose an adjustment disorder with anxiety, and begin treatment.

During one therapy session about a month into treatment, Ms. Smith brings up the lengthy questionnaire she completed during the intake. You realize she is referring to the MCMI-II. As you have not yet downloaded the results, you quickly do so and give her the copy to review at home.

Following two months of treatment, Ms. Smith states that she and her ex-husband are in the midst of a reevaluation of their custody arrangement and she asks you to write a letter on her behalf. You agree to do so, but want to first gather more information about her current state, so you administer the SCARED again, along with the Parenting Stress Index. After having done so, you write up the results, including a copy of the measure she completed, and fax them to her attorney with your opinion as to her fitness for parenting as she requested, being sure to obtain a release of information before doing so. During the next session Ms. Smith thanks you for including those measures and states her attorney found them helpful.

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Solution Summary

The solution provides information, assistance and advise in tackling the task (see above) on the topic of applying the ACA Code of Ethics in a scenario. Resources are listed for further exploration of the topic. A word version is attached.

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Dear Student,
Hi and thank you for using Brainmass. The solution below should get you started. In this particular task, you are asking for help in discussing ethical issues based on the ACA code following a scenario. I suggest using this simple outline:
1. The Scenario (just repast the whole narrative)
2. The main points of ethical concern based on ACA (use 2, at least) - 200 words
3. Dealing with the scenario based on ACA code (choose from the 2 in #2) - 200 words
4. Criticism/Considerations - 100 words
5. Resources
This outline should yield at least 600 words which should cover what you need. Just let me know via the feedback section if you need further clarifications. There are many ethical considerations you can point out but what is important is identifying one and then breaking down steps to deal with it according to the ACA code to show your understanding of the issue. You can use the listed resources to further explore the topic. All the best with your studies.

AE 105878/Xenia

ACA Code Application

The Scenario

"Kaitlin Smith is a 30-year-old, Caucasian cisgender female who is going to be attending an intake with you prior to starting therapy. Prior to the intake it was unclear who the referral source was, but as you met, she indicated her best friend, one of your long-term therapy clients, highly recommended you. You have worked well with her friend and treatment is nearing termination, so you are grateful for the referral.
As you start the intake process with Ms. Smith, you leave several assessment and screening measures for her to complete in the lobby before her appointment. These include the BDI, SCARED, and MCMI-II. First administer several tests to help you understand Ms. Smith better including the BDI, MCMI-II, and SCARED. Following the administration of the initial screening tools, you start the interview process with a discussion of her rights and a description of the tests she completed, as well as what you will be using them for.
During the interview, Ms. Smith indicated she has been struggling with her memory following a head injury during a car accident a few months ago. You become concerned she might have a neurological concern. You do a quick Google search and find an online copy of a test you had heard a colleague mention, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). You print and administer it to her during the intake. Ms. Smith earns a score of 19. Due to her history of TBI and her score of 19 on the MoCA, you diagnose Mild Cognitive Impairment. Ms. Smith also discusses having difficulty sleeping, often wakes frequently at night, and has occasional nightmares. However, her SCARED score was 22, ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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