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Trigonometry Word Problems : Tan Function

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1. A lobster boat is situated due west of a lighthouse. A barge is 12 km south of the lobster boat. From the barge the bearing to the lighthouse is 63 degrees (12 km is the length of the side adjacent to the 63 degree bearing). How far is the lobster boat from the light house?
2. A recent land survey was conducted on a vacant lot where a commercial building is to be erected. The plans for the future building construction call for a building having a roof supported by two sets of beams. The beams in the front are 8 feet high and the back beams are 6.5 feet high. The distance between the front and back beams is 8 feet. At what angle will the roof lay on the front beam?
4. A guy wire (a type of support used for example, on radio antennas) is attached to the top of a 50 foot pole and stretched to a point that is d feet from the bottom of the pole. Express the angle of inclination as a function of d.

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Solution Summary

The tan function is used to solve trigonometry word problems.

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a) Simple Tan identity

Tan(63) = X/12
solve for X

b) Form a right triangle ...

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