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Algebra : Solve for X and Word Problems

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An average human hair grows about 1/2 inch per month. How much does a human hair grow in 3 1/2 months?

Chabely is getting ready for a backpacking trip. She packs 4 2/3 lbs of food and 5 1/8 lbs of eqiment into an 2 14 lbs backpack. What is the total weight she will be carrying?



Solve the equations.

6 3/8 +2 5/12-x= 4 3/4


5/12x=- 15/24

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The X in functions are solved for world problems. The total weight which will be carrying is determined.

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1/2 each month => (1/2)*(3+1/2)=7/4 inch

Total weight = (4+ 2/3)+(5+ ...

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