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Infinite persons and the importance of creativity

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Topic #1
The reading refers to being an "infinite" person. Consider how the text authors, Janaro and Altshuler, describe the concept of an infinite person, and define this concept in your own words. Next, identify one individual - either someone in your own life (a friend, family member, teacher, coworker, etc.) or an individual from history or current events - who fits this definition.

Consider and identify the following: What do you feel are the key traits of an infinite person? Which traits of an infinite person would be useful when pursuing your future goals? Connect the reading material for Unit 1 in your response; use APA formatting.

Topic #1
Please copy and paste the link for more info.
Watch the 20-minute lecture by Sir Ken Robinson: "Do Schools Kill Creativity?"

Source: "Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity." TED Talks. Retrieved from: http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.html

Take notes as you watch so that you can answer the following questions in your response:

Do you think Robinson makes a good case for creativity? Which of his points are strong and persuasive, and which could use more persuasive appeals or evidence?

Has creativity had an impact on your life? How? In what way(s) could creativity have an impact on your future goals? Incorporate points from the TED talk in your response. Be sure to use APA formatting

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An infinite persons and the importance of creativity are provided.

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Topic #1
The reading refers to being an "infinite" person. Consider how the text authors, Janaro and Altshuler, describe the concept of an infinite person, and define this concept in your own words. Next, identify one individual - either someone in your own life (a friend, family member, teacher, coworker, etc.) or an individual from history or current events - who fits this definition.

An infinite person in my words is someone who infinitely seeks to better their life but more importantly is willing to put their loved ones' life above their life to find infinite peace and joy in life. My mother fits this description as she placed her children's happiness, future, and well-being above her own feelings. This is why I became the person that I am today.

Consider and identify the following: What do you feel are the key traits of an infinite person? ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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