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Nurtitional Analysis of a Daily Food Intake

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Can someone please help me along here? I have attached the food intake for today, May 28, 2007.

a) How did your recorded protein intake compare with the recommendation of the CNPP?

b) If your recorded protein intake was too high or too low, which foods might you change to achieve your goal and keep other nutrients in balance? In other words, if your protein level is not where it needs to be according to CNPP, what can you do to bring it into the recommended range? Be specific.

c) Which foods in your recorded daily intake provide protein?

d) Is the protein in each of these foods complete, or are they incomplete, thus combining to become complementary? Explain the concept of complementary proteins.

e) Why is your protein intake within a recommended range important? What are the effects of too much protein? What happens if you consistently eat too little protein?

f) Did your fiber total meet 100 percent of the recommendation for you as calculated by the CNPP website?

g) Did you think your fiber intake was too high, too low, or just right? Why do you think so?

h) If you did not meet your minimum fiber requirement, which fiber-containing groups (fruits and vegetables) fell short of the recommended intake?

i) Which specific foods provided the most fiber in your day's meals? Which provided the least? Identify trends in your food choices that would affect your fiber intakes.

j) What alterations might you make among your vegetables, fruit, meat and alternatives, or grain choices to increase the fiber in your meals?

k) What contributions do meats and milk products make to the day's fiber total? What advice about fiber would you give to someone who emphasizes meat and milk products at each meal? How would you tell him or her to change his or her diet? What foods would you tell him or her to include in his or her diet?

l) Did your meals include fiber-rich bean dishes such as chili, beans in a salad, or split pea soup? Anyone interested in obtaining fiber should find ways to eat some legumes each day.

m) If you chose to drink fruit juice instead of to eat whole fruit, what would happen to the fiber content of your diet? If you chose to drink purchased fruit juice instead of to eat whole fruit, what would happen to the calorie content of your diet?

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Solution Summary

This question and solution examines a day in a food diary and analyses it for nutritional content.

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a) You in took just under half of the recommended amount of protein.

b) Increasing the servings of meats, beans or nuts would help increase the total protein levels.

c) Protein was obtained from the chicken.

d) The protein in meats is considered complete because it contains all amino acids unlike proteins obtained from vegetable sources that do not contain every amino acid in one source. See http://www.bodyforlife2.com/incompletprotein.htm When plants serve as the only protein source a complementation system must be used that ...

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