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Public Health Governance Structure and Public Opinion on COVID19

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Primary emphasis will be to develop an in-depth analysis of a dissertation's introductory sections.

Look at the dissertation carefully, looking for all the necessary parts. You will critique Chapter 1 of the dissertation using the AQuA form as a guide. Select the appropriate AQuA format (Qualitative/Quantitative) Include the completed AQuA form assessment.

Use the outline of the AQuA form information to carefully critique the various parts of the dissertation. Use the different sections of the outline as required "headings" for the paper. Add a brief summary of the actual dissertation selected and why this was an excellent example to review and follow your field of interest.

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Solution Summary

Evaluating the Effect of Public Health Governance Structure and Public Opinion on COVID-19 Disease Control

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This summary will provide insight on how different countries with similar yet distinctively different governmental structures responded to the Covid 19 crisis during the height of the pandemic that began in March, 2020 after the World Health Organization declared Covid 19 a global pandemic. In addition, it will also highlight how public opinion was shaped during the pandemic and the impact of social media and other forms of media that disseminated information to the public impacted the public's concerns and actual behavior during the pandemic. I will begin the summary focusing on the public's response wherein in many countries "fake news" dominated the response as a result of an inability to procure accurate information about the disease from credible resources. This led people to go online, and in many cases, if someone wanted to believe in conspiracy theories online, they would be able to obtain information that served as an echo chamber, but there were also relevant sources that provided credible information to citizens using the internet to learn more about Covid 19.

Because of the rapid spread of Covid 19 and it's unknown origins and overall impact on human health during the beginning of the pandemic, there were a lack of sources to provide the public with cogent information capable of giving rational thinking people the ability to discern between fact and myth during the height of the Covid 19 pandemic. In addition, the uncertainty associated with the economic and social ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS, Sam Houston State University, 1903 University Avenue, Huntsville, Tx 77340
  • MS, Prairie View A&M University
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