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Patient Case: Benign prostatic hyperplasia

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Jonathan Ames is a 64-year-old with BPH. He is admitted to the med/surg unit with a urinary tract infection (UTI), hematuria, and hydronephrosis. His wife says their sexual relationship has been nonexistent due to her husband's BPH. He has used saw palmetto extract for his urinary symptoms with some relief. His doctor is planning to discuss the TURP procedure with him during rounds.

1. Describe the pathophysiology of BPH.
2. Describe the pathophysiology of a UTI in presence of BPH.
3. Describe the pathophysiology of hematuria in presence of BPH.
4. Describe the pathophysiology of hydronephrosis in presence of BPH.
5. List 3 nursing concepts that could be applied to Mr. Ames. Briefly state why you chose each concept.
6. List 1 nursing intervention for each concept with rationale.
7. List a medication used in the treatment of BPH.
8. Write the mechanism of action for the medication listed in question 7.
9. Describe the TURP procedure.
10. Given the client's clinical presentation, what labs would the nurse expect to likely be drawn for this client?

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Solution Summary

A brief overview of a BPH patient case.

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1. BPH is a result of both static and dynamic physiology. The dynamic factors are related to alpha 1 adrenergic receptor stimulation in the prostate which leads to smooth muscle contraction and that results in compression of the urethra, decreased urethral lumen, and decreased urinary bladder emptying. The static factors are the result of androgen (testosterone and androsteindoine) stimulation of the epithelial tissue of the prostate. The enzyme 5-alpha-reductase converts the androgens to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) ...

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