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Technical Instructions

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This task is achieved:

· Choose a technical or electronic product in your home or office.
· Conduct a search on the Internet for technical instructions explaining how the device
· Examine the verbiage, details, clarity, and conciseness of the instructions.

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This posting examines technical instructions.

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As you complete your assignment, please allow some of my ideas to guide you:

I chose Kodak's G600 Printer Dock Manual as a guide. Its link is found at http://www.kodak.com/global/en/service/publications/urg00536toc.jhtml?pq-path=9368

As you assess the manual, please notice how it uses simple sentences, fragments actually, to convey the overall clarity and conciseness of its directions. Please note how this simplification allows users to understand clearly the instructions that they are trying to perform. In other words, this manual uses ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS , Slippery Rock University
  • MA, Slippery Rock University
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