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Departments in a data center, Team management techniques

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1. What are the typical departments one might see in a data center?

2. Are different management techniques required for managing technical personnel versus nontechnical personnel?

3. What techniques would you use to effectively manage a team of system administrators (network, database, application, etc.) working in your data center?

4. Is there a correct technique for managing a team of system administrators who have different personalities? Can one technique work for all?

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1. What are the typical departments one might see in a data center?

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1. Typical departments in a data center include networking department, database administrators, purchase department and administrative department.

2. Yes, different managerial techniques are require to handle technical versus non-technical staff. For example, Due to the nature of their jobs, technical professionals are typically and understandably meticulous individuals who are accustomed to working with tangible, hard facts and concrete representations of ideas. Their autonomous nature can sometimes make them less engaging and ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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