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Assisting employees

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SCENARIO: There's a knock at your office door. You look up and see one of your employees standing there with a stack of papers in her hand. She's been working for you for about six weeks now. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"No problem. Come on in."

She enters and offers you the papers in her hand. "I need help. I'm working on this writing project for you, but I'm having a tough time getting beyond my rough notes, and it's due in five days.

I'm especially worried about how to come up with my main idea, what the boss calls "the bottom line." I'd also like to know how to make sure I'm reaching my audience. Could you give me some suggestions?"

You look at her papers, and you glance at the stack of papers already on your desk.

"Sure. You bet. I'll take a look."

A broad smile creeps across her face and she says, "Thanks, many thanks. This'll really help! Thank you!" She starts to back out of your office.

"Wait a minute. Not so fast. Why don't you sit down? Let's go over this together."

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Solution Summary

The solution discusses - SCENARIO: There's a knock at your office door. You look up and see one of your employees standing there with a stack of papers in her hand. She's been working for you for about six weeks now. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"No problem. Come on in."

She enters and offers you the papers in her hand. "I need help. I'm working on this writing project for you, but I'm having a tough time getting beyond my rough notes, and it's due in five days.

I'm especially worried about how to come up with my main idea, what the boss calls "the bottom line." I'd also like to know how to make sure I'm reaching my audience. Could you give me some suggestions?"

You look at her papers, and you glance at the stack of papers already on your desk.

"Sure. You bet. I'll take a look."

A broad smile creeps across her face and she says, "Thanks, many thanks. This'll really help! Thank you!" She starts to back out of your office.

"Wait a minute. Not so fast. Why don't you sit down? Let's go over this together."

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Dear student:

I enjoyed assisting.

The material below will assist you with your studies and expand your knowledge in this area. If you are ever in a situation such as this, do not perform the work for the co-worker asking for assistance, explain the procedure to the co-worker to help him or her in the learning process.


Coach a subordinate in your organization to write a report OR memo
The only way for one to learn is for one to listen. When preparing a report, the main idea is the goal of the project. An example is when a manager says, "We need to increase sales. Prepare a report on how this can be done." The main idea of ...

Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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