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PhD in Business Administration Interview

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What factors that led you to pursue your PhD in Business Administration and your purpose for engaging this level of scholarship? Include the academic influences that have shaped your thinking regarding this field of study.

Personal references, such as family or religious inspiration, are often too individualized for this purpose; however, if these influences play a significant role in your practice and in your continuing engagement with doctoral studies, they are appropriate for inclusion.

What were your current level of preparedness and your sense of your current position in the field?
a) How did you see your studies affecting your current practice in the field?
b) What professional and personal contexts did you bring to the course of study?
c) How might these contexts assist you in learning? How might they limit you?
d) How did your professional and personal contexts shaped your identity?

The outcomes you anticipate from completing this degree program.
a) What were your aspirations for the program?
b) What areas did you want to refine?
c) How did enhanced scholarship, practice, and leadership capacities augment your personal and professional life and that of others whom your work affects?
d) How did your goals align with the program's espoused goals?

How was your life beyond the program affected
a) How did this program shape your future?
b) How did you use your learning to contribute to your existing communities?
c) What new communities did you join?
What did you lose as a result of this degree? What did you gain?

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PhD in Business Administration interview answers are briefly brainstormed as a mock example.

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Welcome to BM! Please rate 5/5 for my 500 words of notes based on an interview with my neighbor in this field.

First of all, as you briefly discuss which factors led you to pursue your PhD in Business Administration, she earnestly admits that growing up in a family of businessmen and women strongly influenced her career path as both parents have MBAs and own three Asian restaurants in America and a silk shop in China. She also believes that her culture made her fight hard for this level of education.

She further admits that her purpose for engaging in this level of scholarship is not just to work in the practical day to day applications in a university or business but to also infuse theory with real world practices in a user friendly way and technological manner, too.

The academic influences that have shaped her thinking regarding this ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS , Slippery Rock University
  • MA, Slippery Rock University
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