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multiple intelligence assessments in the classroom

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Have you completed any multiple intelligence assessments to identify what type of learner you are? What type of activities would you or already do incorporate into your classroom for the type of learner you are?

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The expert completes a multiple intelligence assessment to identify what type of learner you are.

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Most people are not strictly one. For me, I'm more like Henry Ford and Thomas Edison, where I'd rather not read the manual but just get in and get my hands into the whole thing. This is opposite of my best friend who gets very frustrated when I try to explain things to him and just wants to read. He does fantastic on tests and has an enormous recall.

Henry Ford's style, where HE didn't like to read but instead shows the best example of this by creating Greenfield Village and the Henry Ford Museum, so ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Central Michigan University
  • MSA, Central Michigan University
  • Teacher Certification, Concordia University
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