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Identifying a Phenomenon

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Read the article "Qualitative v. Quantitative Research," and answer:

- Identify and analyze a phenomenon from your workplace or immediate environment that can be studied using qualitative research techniques.

- Provide a brief statement of the identified phenomenon and describe the sample (including who or what will be sampled, how many people will be involved, what type of sampling strategy will be used).

- Based on the seven points presented in the article, discuss why the phenomena you identified would be best explored using a qualitative methodology.

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The expert identifies and analyzes a phenomenon from a workplace or immediate environment that can be studied using qualitative techniques.

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- Identify and analyze a phenomenon from your workplace or immediate environment that can be studied using qualitative research techniques.

The phenomenon that would be studied in my personal environment would entail why those who sell drugs are on the fringes of society. Growing up in an impoverished area, I witnessed many people who resorted to selling drugs for a living, and I could still immerse myself into this environment as a researcher because I am from the area and could be trusted. Using qualitative research tools such as interviews, observations, and other measures that facilitate the discussion being driven by those impacted by poverty, lack of opportunity, and lack of infrastructure would enable me to derive why these individuals resort to selling drugs and cultivate an action research plan that could possibly assist them in upward socioeconomic mobility.

- Provide a brief statement of the identified phenomenon and describe the sample (including who or what will be sampled, how many people will be involved, what type of ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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