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Discussion of the worth of various reference sources

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Please explain some of the pros and cons of different sources of literature including the library, online libraries, academic journals and WWW resources. What is the difference between primary and secondary sources? Why is it important to focus on primary sources in a literature review?

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Discussion of the worth of various resource/reference sources, including primary and secondary ones.

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The online library has some very real advantages compared to the physical library. It is open 24/7, and is very convenient for today's time-pressured people, as long as they have an Internet connected computer - and that is not a given in today's world. The online library also has no late fees when materials are accessed. The primary disadvantage is that not every written work has yet been digitized for the Internet. There exist many works that are available in the library that cannot be accessed digitally. It is worth the time to physically go and search the real library. Treasure is still to be found there.

Academic journals contain the latest research studies, from peer-reviewed sources. Peer-reviewed means that other experts in the field have read and approved the content of the research studies as scholarly ...

Solution provided by:
  • BFA, University of Georgia
  • BSEd, University of Georgia
  • MED, University of Georgia
  • EDd (IP), Northcentral University
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