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English as a Second Language

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Pls. read the attached word document (ESL) and answer the followings IN YOUR OWN WORDS:

1. List 3 ideas from the readings that are interesting to you and why.
2. List 2 ideas you are concerned with or wonder about.
3. Describe the following terms with your understanding of how they apply to ESL instruction:
a. English Language Development (ELD)
b. cultural/academic/psychological (CAP) intervention
c. Silent Stage
d. culture shock
e. uprooting experience
f. assimilation
g. acculturation

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The three ideas from the readings that are interesting are that you do not have to be able to speak another language in order to teach that language. This is interesting because one would think that it would almost be impossible to communicate with another person if they cannot speak the same language.

Another idea that was interesting was the importance of being able to read into ones cultural background and how this information is also helpful when it comes to being able to teach a child another language. Cultural backgrounds can be so different that it would be beneficial for one to know small items that would benefit the learner.

The third concept that was interesting was the fact that we cannot force the students who are learners to open up before they are ready. This seems to be forcing the student to not be willing to learn but in reality if we force them to do something they are not ready to do, it could discourage their learning to the point in which they no longer want to try due to embarrassment.

One idea that is concerning is that the parents are not wanting to get involved as one would like. Being able to communicate with the parents is a key concept that most teachers are not used to. Being able to talk with the parent and let them know some of the things that they can do to help their children is so helpful but in most cases the parents do not want to help. If they do want to help an interpreter is needed to communicate the needs of the child to the parent. Sometimes it would also seem ...

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