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Creative Brief and Beverage Product

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Please see the attached file and take the beverage product introduced and write a Creative Brief for it. Don't worry so much about the specific media, etc. Rather, come up with a brief for a campaign idea.


1. Product

- Name: Healthy Buddy
- Style: I recommend making it in a can since it is easy to open and it serves the couch potatoes well. We still want to look familiar to the couch potatoes and don't want to look like a typical healthy drink. We want them to think "this is just like other sodas but it even makes my body healthier".

2. Placement

- Where to be sold: Convenient stores and local super markets so it could be accessed easily. We want to have the product in the stores that a typical couch potato would go to buy a beverage.
- Timing: I would launch the product at the time of the big game like super ball. It would be better to launch it actually slightly before the event so that they could buy the beverage for the game.

3. Price

- I would put it in the slightly higher range than other sodas like Coke in order to deliver the brand image of healthiness and quality. However, we don't want to be too high since then they would consider this beverage as a different category drink and wouldn't get the connection between the beverage and their usual choice of beverages.

4. Promotion

- Tag line 1: My buddy to enjoy the game with.
- Tag line 2: Taste cool and doesn't harm my body.
- Tag line 3: Can drink more and stay fit.

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Solution Summary

Please see the attached file and take the beverage product introduced and write a Creative Brief for it. Don't worry so much about the specific media, etc. Rather, come up with a brief for a campaign idea.

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Creative Brief for launch of Healthy Buddy

Project Summary: Healthy Buddy is a premium health drink that aims to provide unique health benefits to consumers. The company is planning to launch this drink in the non alcoholic beverage marketplace as a unique health drink that does not harm the body and provides health benefits. Company will utilize a wide range of media, ranging from press, television to internet for promoting the product.

The immediate goal is to establish a strong brand awareness and brand presence among the target consumers in order to capture leadership position and strong market share in the non alcoholic beverage segment. The key objective is to position the product as an unique health beverage with high quality ingredients and better nutritional value than other offerings in the ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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