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Tyco, Martha Stewart, Microsoft marketing evaluation

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1) Given the latest negative press about Tyco, Martha Stewart, and Microsoft. Suggest a "new" positioning/image for each organization, and explain and justify the positioning you have suggested.

2) Describe a marketing evaluation method for a product/brand:

a) which is in its introductory stage of its product life cycle,
b) which has multiple brand extensions, and
c) a premium, high image product/brand.

What was your rationale in suggesting the particular marketing evaluation method?

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This answer provides you an excellent discussion on Tyco, Martha Stewart, Microsoft marketing evaluation

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1) Given the latest negative press about Tyco, Martha Stewart, and Microsoft. Suggest a "new" positioning/image for each organization, and explain and justify the positioning you have suggested.

Former chairman and chief executive and former chief financial officer of Tyco were accused of theft. A new positioning for Tyco should be one of an honest and upright company. The negative press about Martha Steward was that of lying, so the new positioning of Martha Stewart should be that of a truthful and sincere company. The negative press about Microsoft is that of monopoly and enforcement of intellectual property rights. The new positioning of Microsoft should be that of a company that encourages competition and develops open source for its software and operating systems.

The reasoning for Tyco is that it must counter its image of a company being run by thieves. ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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