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Project Manager Skills for Effective Negotiation

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Negotiation is one critical interpersonal skill that a project manager needs to use during the project lifecycle. Analyze the components of the interpersonal skills in the multimedia assignment this week, and the planning components from a buyers and sellers perspective. Provide the skills that an effective project manager needs to have to have effective negotiation skills. Provide professional examples where possible, and information from the text or external resource 250 words

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This detailed solution analyzes the components of the interpersonal skills and the planning components from a buyers and sellers perspective. It describes the skills that an effective project manager needs to have to have effective negotiation skills and includes examples and APA formatted reference.

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Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.

The ability to negotiate well is an important interpersonal skill for project managers. To do this, project managers must have the ability to listen carefully to clients and prioritize the client's needs. In addition, a project manager must be able to communicate with the client to explain possibilities and limitations, and participate in an exchange of ideas to reach the best solution for both parties. Remembering that projects are unique means that ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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