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Four styles of creative intelligence in decision making

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Mental Process Paper with abstract and conclusion.

A. Compare and contrast the four styles of creative intelligence and their influence on organizationall decision making. 1. Intuitive, 2. Innovative, 3. Imaginative 4. Inspirational

B. Discuss how the following five forces influence mental models/mind sets. Give example of their use to ensure you understand and visualize the style of decision-making and the force of influence on those decisions. Include examples of how mental models/mid sets might limit the decision making process. 1. Environmental, 2. Heredity, 3. Education. 4. Genetic. 5. Past Experience.

Finally analyze your most commonly used mental models/mind sets that guide your decision making and discuss how these models influence your decision making.

Strictly APA guideline.

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The expert examines the four styles of creative intelligence in decision making.

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Mental Model: Creative Intelligence

This paper is related to the evaluation of the creative intelligence in the process of organizational decision making. There are mainly four styles of creative intelligence: Intuitive, Innovative, Imaginative and Inspirational, which directly affects the process of decision-making (Alder, 2002). With the help of this paper, the reader would be able to understand the difference and similarities among all these four styles.

A part from the readers can also understand about the various external forces that influences the mental model of a human being. These mental models and styles of creative intelligence are directly interknitted with each other and help the management to think in a creative manner by evaluating all the possibilities to remain competitive in the future.

By means of the following paper, I am going to analyze the various parameters that are associated with the mental model process and creative intelligence for the effective decision making and strategic implementation in the organization.

Creative intelligence is the capability of the human beings to deal any new situation and give solutions of the different types of problems in newer and unique ways. In the creative intelligence, the power of imagination and level of knowledge both are considered. Imagination is more important in creative intelligence than knowledge (Alder, 2002). It is an integral element of successful intelligence, which verifies the possibilities to move ahead and produce interesting and creative thought in the process of organizational decision-making (Increasing Intelligence, 2008).

There are four types of creative intelligence such as innovative creative intelligence, imaginative creative intelligence, intuitive creative intelligence and inspiration creative intelligence. All the four types of creative intelligence are different with each other in several aspects.

Intuitive Intelligence: The intuitive intelligence includes the capability of human beings to learn complicated skills to solve the particular problems on the basis of sub-consciousness (Sternberg, 1982). This intelligence can be applied to solve only disorganized problems. This intelligence gives the solution of problems without any prior thinking in the mind (The Intuitive Brain) (Alder, 2002). In such a style, facts and figures hold less importance and complexity of ...

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