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Participatory management vs. traditional management

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Compare and contrast participatory management with traditional management. Work example would be helpful.

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Through research and example, this solution assists in comparing and contrasting participatory management with traditional management. References are provided.

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1. Compare and contrast participatory management with traditional management.

Participatory management means that staff, not only the designated managers, have input and influence over the decisions that affect the organization. This is in contrast with traditional management, where the manager makes all the decisions, and the employees are subservient. (http://www.scn.org/cmp/modules/pm-pm.htm)

However, like traditional management, in participatory management, the designated managers (or manager) still have (or has) the final responsibility for making decisions and answering for them. However, by the participatory manager, the members of the staff who are affected by those decisions are actively sought to provide observations, analysis, suggestions and recommendations in the executive decision making process. This is not true in traditional management, however, where the manager makes all the decisions without involving the staff. That is, traditional management is more monopolistic about decision making where decisions are made only at the top (see http://www.scn.org/cmp/modules/pm-pm.htm for benefits of participatory management).

In contrast, Participatory Management is:

? not believing in dictatorship
? allowing every member to have equal opportunity to grow and become ...

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