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Organizational Behavior: Attitudes, Emotions, Motivations and Values

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#1 Attitudes and Behavior
Relate to your work environment and share your views on the tasks that can be implemented by the management to positively impact the employee attitudes and behavior.

#2 Emotions
State your opinions whether emotions are helpful or harmful for organizations.

#3 Motivations
Discuss the pros and cons of traditional system of incentives and incentives based on customer satisfaction in a variety of industry.

#4 Values
"Do you think a significant portion of Americans have permanently reprioritized their values as a result of Sept.11?" List examples of why or why not they think the way they do.

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Solution Summary

This solution discusses various organizational behavior concepts, including attitudes, emotions, motivations, and values.

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Michelle Lee, MBA, PhD (IP)
OTA 105909

Organizational Behavior

#1 Attitudes and Behavior
Relate to your work environment and share your views on the tasks that can be implemented by management to positively impact the employee attitudes and behavior.

The Business Encyclopedia references, "The discipline of organizational behavior is concerned with identifying and managing the attitudes and actions of individuals and groups, looking particularly at how people can be motivated to join and remain in the organization, how to get people to practice effective teamwork, how people can accomplish their jobs more efficiently, and how employees can be encouraged to be more flexible and innovative. Attention is brought to these attitudes and actions in order to help managers identify problems, determine how to correct them, and change behavior so that individual performance and ultimately organization effectiveness increase."

In relation to my work environment, ...

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