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Learning styles for different learners

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Week 1: Learning Styles Exercise General Instructions

To prepare for this module's exercise, take a few minutes to consider the following: Imagine that you have been given the task of planting a rose garden. You do not know anything about rose gardens, and so think about how you would go about learning how to do it. Specifically, what steps would you follow? Jot down some notes so you will remember what steps you would take.

1) What is your opinion on the Learning Style Inventory and the Questions below?

Now, fill out this inventory that will help you determine your learning style.


This inventory is designed to help you describe the way you learn. Different people learn best in different ways - there are no "better" or "worse" ways of learning. Each way is equally good. Read each statement carefully and place a 1 In the column next to the phrase that best describes you. You might find it hard to choose the best description - but try not to think about it too long as this could lead you to make the wrong conclusion.

Active Experimentation Reflective Observation
I often produce off-the-cuff ideas that at first might seem silly or half-baked. I am thorough and methodical.

I am usually the one who initiates conversations. I enjoy watching people.

I am flexible and open minded. I am careful and cautious.

I like to try new and different things without too much preparation I investigate a new topic or process in depth before trying it.

I am happy to have a go at new things. I draw up lists up possible courses of actions when starting a new project.

I like to get involved and to participate. I like to read and observe.

I am loud and outgoing. I am quiet and somewhat shy.

I make quick and bold decisions. I make cautious and logical decisions.

I speak fast, while thinking. I speak slowly, after thinking.


Abstract Conceptualization Concrete Experience
I ask probing questions when learning a new subject I am good at picking up hints and techniques from other people.

I am rational and logical. I am practical and down to earth

I plan events down to the last detail. I like realistic, but flexible plans.

I like to know the right answers before trying something new I try things out by practicing to see if they work.

I analyze reports to find the basic assumptions and inconsistencies I rely upon others to give me the basic gist of reports.

I prefer working alone. I enjoy working with others.

Others would describe me as serious, reserved, and formal Others would describe me as verbal, expressive, and informal.

I use facts to make decisions. I use feelings to make decisions.

I am difficult to get to know. I am easy to get to know.


If you prefer RO and CE, you are a Diverger
If you prefer RO and AC, you are an Assimilator
If you prefer AC and AE, you are a Converger
If you prefer AE and CE, you are an Accommodator

Next, to interpret the meaning of these scores, read this short explanation of Learning Styles. http://www.simplypsychology.org/learning-kolb.html It is important to emphasize that this inventory is not a perfect measure of your learning style. Your scores indicate which learning mode you use most of the time, and the strength of the style may vary from individual to individual or even for the same individual given the circumstance or situation.

To participate in this week's discussion, join the discussion group below that corresponds to your learning style.

In your discussion, share with the other members of your group what steps you identified that you would follow when learning to plant a rose garden. Do you see any similarities between the ways you and the others in your group would go about this task? Does the description of your learning type relate to the approach you would take in learning to plant a rose garden? What do you think is your greatest strength as a learner? What is your greatest weakness?

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Solution Summary

This solution discusses the various learning styles of different learners.

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Imagine that you have been given the task of planting a rose garden. You do not know anything about rose gardens, and so think about how you would go about learning how to do it. Specifically, what steps would you follow? Jot down some notes so you will remember what steps you would take.

I would research how to ...

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