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Discuss and evaluate methods of motivating and rewarding individuals and groups.

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You are responsible for supervising one clerical assistant. You know that a large amount of work is going to be assigned to this person in the very near future and that it will be necessary to keep motivation high to meet deadlines. You do not have resources available for any extra monetary rewards. Post on the discussion board your options and the recommendation you would make for the types of intrinsic and/or extrinsic rewards for keeping your clerical assistant's motivation at a high level.


- Discuss and evaluate methods of motivating and rewarding individuals and groups.
- Use effective communication techniques

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You are responsible for supervising one clerical assistant. You know that a large amount of work is going to be assigned to this person in the very near future and that it will be necessary to keep motivation high to meet deadlines. You do not have resources available for any extra monetary rewards. Post on the discussion board your options and the recommendation you would make for the types of intrinsic and/or extrinsic rewards for keeping your clerical assistant's motivation at a high level.

I will first ascertain the primary aim of my company and see if the clerical assistant understands it. If he does of then he will be more motivated to do his work. I will try and ascertain if he understands the company's principles, priorities and mission. The next step will be for me to find out what obstacles prevent him from contributing his best. Is he tolerating problems in the office or at home? If there is something that the company is doing to zap his motivation, I will remove it.
In addition, I will ascertain what motivates him. Every individual has special motivators. I will try and find out these in his case. . It is often assumed that the same things motivate all people. Actually a whole range of factors motivates us. Include questions to elicit what really motivates employees, including learning about their values. Is he motivated by status, praise and ...

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