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Student Surveys

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I need your opinion on the following:

The University provides a student survey to learn the students' thoughts and opinions of the instructor, the textbook, and the overall learning experience. Your instructor sends an e-mail to the class explaining that you (all class members) will be asked to complete a survey about the class and that you will be evaluating him/her. He/she states that you should be honest and truthful, but that everyone did get good grades and the work was pretty easy. It is said that the administration weighs the results heavily when considering instructors for additional classes.

1. Would his/her statements bias your answers? In what way?
2. Do you consider what the instructor wrote as unethical? Why?
3. If the instructor designed the course to award easy grades, is that unethical?

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Solution Summary

This solution addresses the following case involving student surveys:

The University provides a student survey to learn the students' thoughts and opinions of the instructor, the textbook, and the overall learning experience. Your instructor sends an e-mail to the class explaining that you (all class members) will be asked to complete a survey about the class and that you will be evaluating him/her. He/she states that you should be honest and truthful, but that everyone did get good grades and the work was pretty easy. It is said that the administration weighs the results heavily when considering instructors for additional classes.

Solution Preview

1. Would his/her statements bias your answers? In what way?

-- The statements from the instructor would bias your answers and the statements are very unprofessional. The students were instructed that they need to complete a survey and also told in the same conversation that everyone received a good grade. The instructor then basically told students that the work was easy. Students are automatically biased because they know they received a good grade. If the instructor would have commented that no one in the class did well and that ...

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