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Marketing Design and Delivery System

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1.)Read at least one article given below. Then give an example of a situation you experienced first-hand where the quality of the service you received (or delivered) was influenced by design and delivery system.

Articles :

Bitner, M.J., Ostrom, A.L. & Morgan, F.N... 2008. Service Blueprinting: A Practical Technique for Service Innovation. California Management Review50 (3). 66-95. . EBSCOhost. Business Source Complete Database.

Lovelock, C.H. Classifying Services to Gain Strategic Marketing Insights. Journal of Marketing 1983. 47 (3) 9-20. ProQuest. ABI/INFORM Trade and Industry Database.

2.) This Case is about designing a new service.

(A) Think of any 2 services that appear to be quite different from each other. For example, you might write "gas station" and "medical service."

(B) Compare and contrast these services using any 3 of Lovelock's dimensions.

Do not define the dimensions or use quotes. Focus on applying the dimensions to those services.

(C) Now have some fun. Describe a new service design that borrows from 2 completely different services.

Example: Child care plus dog walking = doggie day care. It seems obvious now but it's a relatively new invention.

Example: Walk-in "doc in the box" medical service shares characteristics of traditional medical care and walk-in nail salons.
Create your own example (real or imaginary) and (most important) discuss the challenges of providing the new service, with reference to the background articles.

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Marketing design and delivery systems are examined.

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1. When companies make transitions during deliveries they can cause difficulties for the receiver. In my case, a delivery of medications was postponed by three weeks due to a change of address, lack of processing of online change of address information in a timely manner, and the delivery system than allows UPS to move packages to local post offices for delivery. This particular package was sent to the prior address (a change of address package had been completed for the move), but delivered to the post office where it was stuck in a system of forwarding that takes up to two weeks for 1st class mail and 3 weeks for packages. If the package had been left in the hands of UPS, they would have either left the package at the old address with my nephew or called and gotten the correct address and redelivered the next day.

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Car wash offers the ...

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