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1. Word-of-mouth has always been an effective way to promote a company or spread negative stories that could impact business. However the reach of word-of-mouth marketing used to be limited to those you knew or talked too on a regular basis. With social media, you can now reach many more people, including those you do not know.

How much weight do you put on the input you receive from others? How about from strangers? Are you impacted by online reviews, even when they are from strangers?

2. Employees are more likely to offer adequate and satisfactory customer service if he or she is satisfied and content in his or her own position."

I would agree with you on the above statement.

In an effort to cut costs, many companies would reduce employees' benefits. This might negatively impact customer service and the overall business as the statement above indicates.

Do you think however that it is possible to cut cost without running the risk of destroying customer service? How might this be done eventually?

3. As the manager of an organization, how could you reduce the cost of serving your customers? Could those options have a positive or negative impact on customers?

4. Environmental threat in the car industry.

What marketing defensive actions, if any, could a manufacturer of SUV take to counteract the effect (drop in sales) of possible increase of the price of gasoline?

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Solution Summary

This solution discussed word-of-mouth advertising, customer service and the environment.

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1. Word-of-mouth has always been an effective way to promote a company or spread negative stories that could impact business. However the reach of word-of-mouth marketing used to be limited to those you knew or talked too on a regular basis. With social media, you can now reach many more people, including those you do not know.

How much weight do you put on the input you receive from others? How about from strangers? Are you impacted by online reviews, even when they are from strangers?

I do not put much weight on the input I recieve from others and strangers until I check it out myself. This is because they could appear to tell me what I want to hear, and who knows how true it is until I research it when I have the opportunity. For example, if I hear from someone that there is a sale at Kohls, then I am going to want to check it out further. The issue is that I do not fully trust others, in general because I do not want to risk getting hurt. Furthermore, if I went around believing everyone I heard, I would appear vulnerable and easily to exploit because of the fact that individuals will want to take advantage of me all the more. I want to avoid this in everyway possible because I do not want that kind of reputation, which is why I research more than believe everything I hear. In essence, a person is wiser becasue of it, and people have more respect for those who choose to go this route. Ultimately, the same is true with online reviews because of how subjective everything is and a matter of opinion. I do not want to believe everything I hear unless ...

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