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Communicty Colleges in California

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Need help answering these questions related to California, specifically how these items affect community colleges:

a. Define enterprise zones and explain the utilization of these zones by your chosen government and the state within which the government exists.
b. Assess how the enterprise zones could be used to enhance the economic development implications of your policy issue.
c. Describe how a cost-benefit analysis of an economic development can be performed.
d. Evaluate incentives that are currently given to developers and other agencies to enhance economic development and rural development projects by the local and the state governments.
e. Evaluate the ethical consequences of the economic development initiative.

Please also provide at least 2 peer reviewed sources

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This posting discusses the problems faced by community colleges in California.

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a. Define enterprise zones and explain the utilization of these zones by your chosen government and the state within which the government exists.
The enterprise zones are established to stimulate growth in those areas that are economically anguished. In these zones tax incentives are offered to attract and retain businesses within the boundaries of each enterprise zone. These enterprise zones counter the effect of businesses moving out of the state or even out of the country. The California Enterprise Zone was enacted by the California Trade and Commerce agency to prevent loss of jobs and businesses in California. There are 39 enterprise zones in California. Each zone has a life of 15 years. In California these zones are currently being expanded.

b. Assess how the enterprise zones could be used to enhance the economic development implications of your policy issue(Greenbaum Robert and Engberg John 2000).
The enterprise zones can be used to enhance the economic development of community colleges in several ways. The community colleges would get several economic benefits if they were located in a California Enterprise Zone. The community colleges would get employee wage credit, it would be allowed to carry forward its net operating loss, it would get favorable loan programs, it will get state sales and use tax credits, it would get fast tract planning and building permits, it can access pads ready for building, it can avail itself of sites at interest free loans and even get access to buildings ready for occupation.

c. Describe how a cost-benefit analysis of an ...

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