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Principles of one of the quality programs

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Apply the principles of one of the quality programs ( I believe'' if Iam not mistaken it should be ''Comparative systems or Absolute systems). you have researched from your readings to a Middle Eastern organization of your choice. Include the following information:
•Background information on the organization
•Reason why you selected the quality program for that organization
•Ways in which the quality program may help enhance the organization's performance.

All I need is 4 pages, (Word Document)
Be sure to use academic references and cite to support your analysis. (APA references). ( use many cite as you can to support your analysis, minimum 4cites)

Thats all Thanks.

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The principles of one of the quality programs are determined. The response addressed the query is posted in 1512 words with APA References.

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The response addressed the query is posted in 1512 words with APA References.
The following discussion is about the quality programs adopted by an organization of a Middle-East Country, namely Saudi Arabia. Aramco is a leading company in the oil and natural gas production and is conducting various quality programs in the form of comparative and absolute quality system so as to provide qualitative output. It considers various qualitative services such as quality control, quality monitoring and quality assurance. These services help the organization to produce the output without any defects or errors. Aramco also considers various standards such as TQM (Total Quality Management), Six-Sigma and ISO (International Organization for Standardization), which serve as the benchmark for the quality of their output. In this respect, various benefits of adopting these quality programs are also discussed in order to enhance the performance of the organization, which will further lead the organization to provide quality output by efficiently utilizing its resources with minimum cost and eliminating wastage.
//Various organizations adopt different quality programs to generate its operations free from any defects and errors. Quality programs principles adopted by organizations provide assurance to the organizations regarding their productivity. In the context of this, we are discussing the quality programs adopted by an organization of a Middle-East Country, Saudi Arabia, which is Saudi Aramco. //
Saudi Aramco is a state-owned company in Saudi Arabia, which is completely engaged in petroleum and natural gas production. It was founded in 1933 and currently is headquartered in Dhahran, with more than 55,000 employees from various countries. Saudi Aramco group, popularly known as Aramco, is a world leader in production, distribution, exploration, marketing, refining and manufacturing of petrochemicals. Aramco is maintaining the world's fourth-largest reserves of natural gas and is also included in the top producers. It maintains the world's largest conventional crude oil and 260.2 billion barrels of condensate reserves (Our story, 2016). It has diversified globally, and its operations are conducted by various joint ventures in Japan, the United States, Egypt, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Korea, the United Arab Emirates, the Netherlands, Singapore, and China. Today, it is a leading company in the oil and gas industry and is aiming to be a chemical and energy company globally by 2020. Its vision is to provide continuous energy sources to its customers across the globe (Our story, 2016).
//After knowing the background of the company, the ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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