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Looking at personal, profesional or academic goals

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Your goals, short- or long-term, benefit decisions related to what you desire to achieve whether this involves your personal, professional or academic lives. If you don't feel that the situation is a priority or that you will find some degree of value in your life from it, the process of setting goals will be obsolete from the equation. If you do however, desire to conquer or achieve something specific, the chances of your achieving it will definitely improve if you set attainable goals. Your goals are like a road map leading to your final destination; the rainbow leading to the pot of gold. Explain

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This solution takes a look at how goals are used and defined by different people or situations. Some goals have clearly defined paths; others offer different ways to acheive them.

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Let's take a look at this from a couple points of view.

First, something to relate to: The 2010 NFL season has begun and teams are in training camp. For fans, the season began this last week; for owners and coaches it began in the last few weeks of the previous season. An owner wants to win the Super Bowl. The coaches and players want to win the Super Bowl. There are two different sets of goals that management ...

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