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Leadership in the Workplace

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Manning suggests that while women tend to be hypercritical of themselves, men are often more confident of their abilities than they ought to be. Do you agree or disagree?

How would you as a leader of an increasingly androgynous workforce remedy such varying self-perceptions. In other words, how would you formulate an effective strategy to lead those two groups while maintaining consistency of approach to treating all equally? Be specific in how would you get men to have a more realistic assessment of their abilities and convince women to focus less on perceived imperfections.

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This solution discusses effective strategies for dealing with such self-perceptions in approximately 400 words.

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For myself, friends and family; it seems the majority have worked with a "Debbie Downer" - the woman who constantly finds only the negative in herself and job functions. The same is true for "Mr. Arrogance" - or the man who has no problem telling any audience how he can do everything better, faster and smarter than those around him. Having heard, and shared several stories myself of these two characters, I do agree with Manning's suggestion on the sexes having these traits.

My strategy to remedy the over-sensitivity and over-confidence issues would be simply to ...

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