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What is a global leader?

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What is a global leader? Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the leadership definition components. Give specific examples and discuss the effect global leaders can have on others.

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A Global Leader handles global environments, different cultures, diverse products, and structural challenges. To administer global operations is multifaceted and differs from managing domestic procedures.

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Gregersen, Morrison & Black (1998) defined the characteristics of a global leader by asking two persistent, perplexing questions: (1) what are the characteristics of leaders who can guide organizations that span diverse countries, cultures, and customers? And (2) how can companies effectively develop these leaders?

The answer to those two questions indicates that every global leader needs a set of context-specific abilities and must have a core of certain characteristics. It is said that one-third of global business leaders' success depends on the knowledge and skills for specific contexts. For example, corporate cultures, industry dynamics, and "country of origin" management practices can permeate a company's worldwide operations and require unique knowledge and skills for successful leadership. The remaining two-thirds of the characteristics apply generically to leaders, regardless of their managerial position, corporate ...

Solution provided by:
  • MA, Capella University
  • BA, Empire State College, NY
  • MBA, Empire State College, NY.
  • PhD , Concordia University
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