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Can a leader lead effectively with a limp?

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How can a leader use the limp (weakness) as an advantage to benefit followers and the organization?

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A leader sees and motivates others to work as a team to bring the vision to reality. An effective leader does not allow a limp to derail the vision.

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All leaders lead with a limp. Their leadership inadequacies show humanity, thus not immune from making mistakes. According to Dan Allender (2008), the greatest asset of a leader is not the ability to perform but to identify and manage shortcomings, weaknesses, and inadequacies. Therefore, it is important for a leader to embrace their weaknesses and work, turning them to strengthen their leadership skills. For example, a leader with poor communication can work on improving ...

Solution provided by:
  • MA, Capella University
  • BA, Empire State College, NY
  • MBA, Empire State College, NY.
  • PhD , Concordia University
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