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The Role of Motivation and Leadership in Innovation

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1. What is the role of motivation in innovation? How would you reward innovative behavior? What do you feel are the ethical implications associated with rewarding an individual, as opposed to a team?

2. What is the role of leadership in an innovative organization? How is this type of leadership different from that of a non-innovative organization? Would you describe the leadership of your organization as innovative? Why or why not?

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The solution discusses the role model of innovation and how innovation can be rewarded in 530 words with 3 references.

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What is the role of motivation in innovation?
The role is to allow creativity without boundaries. Southwest Airlines is the leader in Motivation through Innovation. Southwest Airlines. "Southwest ranked 2nd in Fortune's 100 Best Companies to work for. On top of offering alluring perks like profit sharing, Southwest rewards its current employees for excellent performance, maintaining loyalty, job satisfaction, and personal motivation." (Tripp 2007)

The company is ranked as Forbes second best company to work for. (Forbes 2008). This is second only to Google. Southwest is a leader in its field. The company, until this past year, never posted a loss in 17 years. (MSNBC 2008) The company promotes its employees from within and offers numerous training programs to keep the employees motivated and promotable.

The company practices successful and sustainable methods through innovation that motivates. "Identifying best practices is easy enough. Tailoring them to your situation ...

Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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