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Human resource

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1. As a human resource director, what are the current strategic issue related to HR which affects an organization. (Important note: Issues related to compensation, employee benefits and/or security are outside of the scope of the possible issues to examine). What is the issue, why is it important, who are the key stakeholders, what are the main challenges in resolving the problem, and what steps have been taken to address the issue.

2. What are the process used to develop HR strategic plan? How would you ensure alignment of the HR plan with the organization's overall plan and in what ways the HR plan differs from the overall company strategic plan. Then complete two SWOT analyses: Organization plan as a whole; and HR department-specific plan.

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Human resource is discussed very comprehensively in this explanation..

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1. As a human resource director, what are the current strategic issue related to HR which affects an organization. (Important note: Issues related to compensation, employee benefits and/or security are outside of the scope of the possible issues to examine). What is the issue, why it is important, who the key stakeholders are, what the main challenges in resolving the problem are, and what steps have been taken to address the issue.
The current strategic issue relating to HR that effects the organization is the placement of the right person in the right position. This issue is important because the person must be able to satisfy organizational needs. For instance, if a person is placed in an important position but he does not have some of the skills required for the position, then organizational objectives will not be satisfied. The key stakeholders are the person who is placed in the position, his superior, his peers, and the management of the firm. If the person who is placed in the position is not satisfied then his output and motivation will be low. The person is a resource with his superior and if the person is ill suited for the position, the superior of the person will not be able to achieve his goals. His peers will not be able to get their expectations from him (Kearns. P, 2009). The management of the firm will have difficulty in achieving strategic objectives if the persons in position are not suitable for their jobs. The problem in solving this issue is that if the person is removed from the position, an alternative position has to be found for him; otherwise firing him will lead to low morale in the organization. Also if another person has to be placed where he is, such a person must be identified or recruited. If such a person is an internal person a lacunae may be formed. Instead the approach selected is to train the person in the area in which he is weak and provide necessary leadership skills to the individual so that he becomes a strategic partner. Finally, the performance management system used to ensure that the person's objectives align with the objectives of the firm (Kearns. P, 2009).

An issue related to this strategic issue is the recruitment of the right employee. There is a need to align recruitment strategy to ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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