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Human Resources

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What's important with job assessment is that the HR professional defines the job's overall objectives (i.e., Why does the job exist? What are major results to be achieved?). Another key component to job analysis are the key functions of the job (the priorities of the various functions, the time spent on each function, etc.). Additionally, the job's qualifications need to be review and updated regularly (i.e., education, experience, resources, abilities, etc.). Finally, the personal attributes required to successfully function within this job description should be clarified (i.e., individual attributes, level of team interactiveness, leadership style, etc.).

How would you go about profiling a job? What should you be sure to do as part of the process?

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Tihs solution provided the steps in profiling a job.

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Job profiling is important in the field of Human Resources. This is what I would do in this process. One, I would gather any kind of job descriptions, grids, interviews, surveys and anything else that is needed to understand what is needed to make the job better for anyone who is hired in the future. Not everyone would comply to research that is needed ...

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