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Managing Organizational Development and Change

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Library Research Assignment

You anticipate a great deal of resistance to change from the employees of Pegasus, especially if there are layoffs involved. You and the HRD group must first identify the emotional factors of change and then present a plan to address these issues to the company in a meeting. You must consider the overall culture of the organization as well as all the subcultures.

Individual Portion: Research how people and organizations react to change, both positive and negative. If possible, interview coworkers, family, and friends who have experienced substantial change in their lives. Review articles and books on how organizations have successfully moved through changes, and study those that have failed to make changes to succeed. Develop a set of recommendations that will minimize the negative reactions from individuals and the organization to the change being planned for Pegasus. Present your findings in an organized, well-researched report.

Be sure to cite your sources using APA guidelines.

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Managing organizational development and change are examined.

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Management of organizational development and change refer to activities or processes that are useful to manage development and changes within the organization. It is the systematic approach that is used by both individuals as well as organizations to manage change (Cook, Macaulay & Coldicott 2004). In this report, there will be a discussion of several reactions of individuals and organization towards changes. At the same time, different ways will be also discussed that helped to successfully implement changes in Toyota Corporation and Ford Motor.

Reaction towards change

Change and human behavior are closely related to each other. Individual reaction towards the change depends on their attitude and behavior (Anderson, 2011). People and organization accept the change, if they think that it is beneficial and show negative attitude towards change if it is harmful for their values, performance, productivity etc. People and organization reaction towards the change occur in the following forms:

Positive reaction:


Acceptance of the change depends on the perception of the organization and employees. If the change increases the performance, skills, knowledge etc. of the employees, they show the interest and their positive attitude towards the change (TODNEM, December 2005). Employees want to know more about the new change and they try to accept the change as soon as possible (Coombs, 2007). Employees accept the change, if they found that change will fulfill their basic needs.
Organizations also show the positive attitude towards the change, if they think that new change will improve their performance, productivity and reduce the cost. Organizations motivate their employees for accepting the change and describe the benefits of the change (Rothwell, Sullivan & McLean, 2005). Organizations create some rules and regulation for adopting the change. Organizations organize the seminar for introducing the change in the organization.

Negative Reaction:


Resistance to change arises due to different personalities, perceptions and needs. If the people feel that the change is not favorable for ...

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