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Military Recruitment Conflict

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Provide a fictional Military Recruiting workplace conflict. As there are multiple required items to be addressed, please use subheadings to show where you're responding to each required item and to ensure that none are omitted.

1. Produce a fictional Military Recruiting workplace conflict that was negotiated, what specific preparations can you identify.

2. What else could have/should have been done to best prepare?

3. How did the bargaining play out? (Be as specific as possible.)

4. What was the outcome for each side? What was achieved, and/or what was left unresolved on the table?

5. What specific changes could you recommend to improve the process of resolving this conflict?

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This posting gives an example of military recruitment workplace conflict.

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1. A fictional Military Recruiting workplace conflict. The conflict was between the US Army Recruiting Command and the 32nd Field Artillery Regiment, 4th BCT, 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kansas. The Army Recruiting Command had recruited 1,200 men, moved them to Kansas, and wanted to allot 600 recruits to the 32nd Field Artillery Regiment and 600 recruits to the 7th Field Artillery Regiment, which has 1st Battalion, 2nd BCT, 1st Infantry Division, at Fort Riley, Kansas. The 32nd Field Artillery Regiment has objected to this division. The 32nd Field Artillery Regiment claims that it will be deployed in Europe where it may see action relating to the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The 32nd Field Artillery Regiment wants that all 1200 recruits should be allocated to it. The US Army Recruiting Command has rejected the demand of the 32nd Field Artillery Regiment. The specific preparations at this stage are that the US Army Recruiting Command feels that it has the authority and prerogative to divide the number of recruits among regiments. The specific preparation by the 32nd Field Artillery Regiment is that it intends to show the Recruiting Command that it has received orders to move the regiment to Europe. It needs personnel desperately.

2. The Recruiting Command could have prepared better by knowing the requirements of the 32nd Field Artillery Regiment and increasing the recruitment. Alternatively, US Army Recruiting Command could have asked for the requirements from the local regiments before recruiting. Then it could have matched the requirements of the regiments. The 32nd Field Artillery Regiment could have prepared better by informing the Recruiting Command of its requirements when it was asked to deploy troops in Europe (a). The regiment could have also prepared better by marshaling the reasons why it required more men and ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA, Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
  • BSc, University of Calcutta
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