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Business Management and Research Reports

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Can you respond to the following 5 discussion questions in 200 words or more?

1. What is the importance of an oral presentation? What are the steps necessary to properly prepare for an oral presentation?
2. What is ethical visual? Why do we need visuals in a marketing research report? What are the guidelines to preparing ethical visuals? Do some research about ethical visuals and include your finding in the answer.
3. Explain the components in the report body? What is found in the findings section, and how is this information logically organized?
4. Describe the abstract/ executive summary and explain why it is important? Abstract/executive summary includes conclusions and recommendations. How can you write an abstract/executive summary to be different from conclusions and recommendations? What are the differences between conclusions and recommendations?
5. What are guidelines for the style of a marketing research report?

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This information discusses research study guidelines and how to best report the study to the public. The information also discusses the importance or conducting oral presentations and using ethical visuals for research.

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1. What is the importance of an oral presentation? What are the steps necessary to properly prepare for an oral presentation?
The importances of oral presentations are not only to develop the skills for employability but also engage in learning in an academic setting. Oral presentations give individuals the opportunity to enhance their learning while demonstrating their ability to effectively communicate. There are potential benefits from a student perspective of oral presentations and they include: increased interest in learning, greater class interaction and participation, new perspectives on topics, and improved communication and presentation skills. The steps necessary to properly prepare for an oral presentation include the following: 1) identify the audience 2) determine the purpose of presentation 3) shape the presentation 4) gain the audience's attention 5) prepare the closing summary.

Identify the audience:

Identify who the audience will be, whether they are experts, students, physicians, etc. Every audience is different and each will need various amounts of information depending on their skill level and understanding. The success of the presentation depends on knowing who your audience will be and preparing for them.

Determine the purpose of presentation:

The presentation should be meant to do the one of the following: inform, persuade or teach. The structure of the presentation will depend on the purpose.

Shape the presentation:

As a presenter, it is also important to keep the presentation within the allotted amount of time. It's also helpful to familiarize oneself with the presentation room and visualize how one will work the room. Introducing visual aids and supportive materials will help engage the audience and keep them interested.

Gain the audience's attention:

The presenter has to draw the audience's attention from the beginning or introduction. You can do this by identifying the topic in a creative way and setting the expectation of what's to come. You can also grab the audience's attention by connecting the presentation to their needs, values, or knowledge.

Prepare a closing summary:

The closing summary or conclusion is effective when the presentation's structure and content naturally flows. The conclusion should reaffirm the established connection between the audience and the materials ...

Solution provided by:
  • DBA, Argosy University
  • MBA, University of Phoenix
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