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Consider ethnic factors in sales

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A company may adjust its territorial boundaries in large citites because of the market concentration of certain racial, national, or religious groups. One part of a city may have a heavy ethnic concentration. Retailers also may be predominantly of the same ethnic group, and use of the group's native language may be widespread in the area. A firm selling to these retailers may alter its territorial boundaries so that the particular nationality group comprises one district. In Chicago, a firm may establish separate territories in some parts of the city to cater to the African American, Hispanic, Italian, Polish, Jewish, or Vietnamese markets. The person covering each of these districts is from the corresponding ethnic group and often can speak the group's language.

Do you feel it is discriminatory to consider ethnic factors when assigning sales reps to territories? (For example, is it considered discrimination to ensure that an African American salesperson is assigned to a territory that services African American businesses and customers?).

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Solution Summary

A company may adjust its territorial boundaries in large citites because of the market concentration of certain racial, national, or religious groups. One part of a city may have a heavy ethnic concentration. Retailers also may be predominantly of the same ethnic group, and use of the group's native language may be widespread in the area. A firm selling to these retailers may alter its territorial boundaries so that the particular nationality group comprises one district. In Chicago, a firm may establish separate territories in some parts of the city to cater to the African American, Hispanic, Italian, Polish, Jewish, or Vietnamese markets. The person covering each of these districts is from the corresponding ethnic group and often can speak the group's language.

Do you feel it is discriminatory to consider ethnic factors when assigning sales reps to territories? (For example, is it considered discrimination to ensure that an African American salesperson is assigned to a territory that services African American businesses and customers?).

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I do not think this is discriminatory because it is a smart strategy to allocate sales reps from the same ethnic background for better sales results and ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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